Eat humble pie meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Eat humble pie
As verb :
विनम्र होना
Eat humble pie synonyms
fawn beseech kowtow pamper flatter creep humor stoop implore blandish kneel wheedle crouch snivel court crawl truckle cower beg bootlick prostrate cringe revere apple-polish bow and scrape butter up yes soft-soap brown-nose beg for mercy cater to eat dirt fall all over humble oneself make much of make up to play up to suck up to kiss one's feet relinquish cede hand over renounce waive quit yield leave concede submit abandon commit succumb capitulate give in forego consign fold entrust cry uncle go down go under knuckle under buckle under cave in deliver up go along with let go pack it in part with play dead put up white flag roll over throw in the towel toss it in eat shit eat one's words swallow one's pride tuck one's tail
Eat humble pie antonyms
ignore straighten answer boast refuse reject surpass hold keep defend fight win retain come continue conquer
Usage of Eat humble pie in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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